OKAMOCHI ABSINTHE is a mobile kit that enables you to meet the “green fairy” while you are on the go. Browse books on the history of Absinthe, appreciate the cherry blossom, and then make a ‘trip’ to the place you dreamed about. A set of equipments is neatly stored in an okamochi, used in Kanazawa, Japan.

  • Size: Width 47 cm x Depth 25 cm x Height 38 cm (including the carrying handle)
  • Weight (with items stored): 10.0 kg
  • What is inside: ABSINTHE (55% alc., 700ml), Twist and Sparkle (Carbonation system), Carbonate cartrige (3), Absinthe glass (2), Absinthe spoon (2), Sugar cubes (various origins), A box of matches, Cherry blossom (Someiyoshino) (*Fake: I suggest you to get a real one!), Eiffel Tower (a miniature), Books on Absinthe (e.g., Absinte: History in a Bottle, Absinthe, Absinthe Cocktails, etc.)


  • サイズ:幅 47 cm × 奥行き 25 cm × 高さ 38 cm(把手部をふくむ)
  • 重量(すべてを収納時):10.0 kg
  • 内容:アブサン(55度・700ml)、ツイスパ(Twist'n Sparkle)、炭酸ガスカートリッジ(3)、アブサングラス(2)、アブサンスプーン(2)、角砂糖(各種)、マッチ、桜のひと枝(ソメイヨシノ)(※造花:本物を調達することを強く勧めます)、エッフェル塔(ミニチュア)、本(『アブサンの文化史:禁断の酒の二百年』『Absinte: History in a Bottle』『アブサン・聖なる酒の幻』『Absinthe Cocktails』)
Video: Kana Ohashi (yutakana)